Unleash the Macro-possibilities.

Powering Enterprises With Deep & Intelligent Insights.

Macrodata Helps Scale your Enterprise to build a Fortune 500 through AI, Automation, Business Intelligence and Data Governance.

The Beginnings of macrodata

The Lab.

“Macrodata” is portmanteau of two words “Macro” which mean – on a large scale, and “Data” means facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis, the term coined by two Data Science enthusiasts in 2017 while working on the technologies like Artificial Intelligence, BigData, Machine Learning, Deep & Reinforcement Learning. Since then Macrodata has been working on accomplishing the vision of providing Advance Data Science Analytics and Business Intelligence Globally.

Transforming Data Challenges Into Organizational Growth.

Core Capabilities

Empower Potential With Commitment.

Getting on-board

Our Roadmap for Deep-Diving.


Reaching Goals.


The Tommorrow Team

Nihal Sharma
Nihal Sharma CEO & Co-Founder
Divanshu Bansal Co-founder & Sr. Data Scientist
Naimish Dhiman CMO & Frontend Engineer
WhatsApp Image 2023-03-08 at 13.55.19
Ayush Panchratan Computer Vision Expert
Our Projects

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To Communicate With Us in the Deep Sea of Data.

Prepare to take a deep dive into your data’s ocean, revealing hidden treasures of insights that steer your course toward success. Let’s set sail on this exploration together. At Macrodata, we’re dedicated to transforming challenges into opportunities. Contact us to explore tailored solutions, driving your success through our professional expertise and seamless collaboration.